Friday, April 28, 2006

Ah ha! Have now managed to set the timezone on this right so it doesn't seem that I am up writing my blog in the middle of the night! Tried to set the language too but only option was English (American) whatever happened to English (English)?
Oooh - appointment booked for 16:50 today - so more news later with any luck.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Have just realised I am not going to be able to get my 1st appointment at the docs Monday because it is a bank holiday so I guess I am going to have to try to go tomorrow - eek!

My tip for the day is to buy shared in Shweppes Diet Lemonade because I am drinking tons of the stuff - it's replaced my wine intake so their sales should soar!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Aggrrrhhhhh - never never never eat too many sugar-free jelly beans like I did yesterday. As lovely as they are - don't do it unless you want to inspect the interior of your bathroom at regular intervals over 12 hours.

Paul came back from driving session this evening and very nearly (but not quite) admitted that he had enjoyed it - hope springs eternal. He tried to sell my bike to the driving instructor!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Welcome to my 'sprog blog'!

Now Paul and I have recovered from the shock of finding out that we have a baby on the way and that I have not just been suffering from the billious repercussions of a large curry, we are settling into the idea and I thought I would log the news as and when it happens.

The good news is that our offer has been accepted on the house we want to move to, the bad news is that we still need to sell ours. The plan was to get into the new, bigger house before attempting this family lark, but seems nature had other plans. Perhaps nature would like to buy our house!

On a sad note I am going to have to part with my beloved and shiny CBR600 motorcycle. The thing doesn't really allow for large baby bumps and no-one makes baby seats for the things - so I guess that's me on 4 wheels for sometime to come. Let's face it - it's just too damned dangerous for a pregnant woman - I'm dangerous enough driving around Sainsburys carpark at the moment!

Paul is taking driving lessons - much to his disgruntlement and accompanied by much groaning, excuses (the instructors car will not fit me etc etc) and dark looks, all of which I am ignoring. As I pointed out he cannot take me to hospital on the back of his R6.

So far and touch wood, I have had only 1 day with slight sickness - oh I pray this will continue and that I will have the easiest pregancy ever heard of - I really don't like the sound of some of the details involved. Having said that the comedy boobs are underway already so I don't hold out much hope for an easy ride through this.

So, more news as it happens, I'm not really even sure how long I have been cooking this bun for so hopefully more news on that soon!