Thursday, November 23, 2006


And boy, am I grateful for that! The last week or so has been a big change from the preceeding months - everything is such bloomin' hard work now. I have completely given up picking up anything I drop on the floor (which is loads of stuff as I have reached new heights of clumsiness), I have forgotten what lying comfortably in bed for longer than 20mins feels like and how easy it used to be to do simple things like turn over in bed or get out of the bath!

The baby has moved down some more and now feels like it is doing that spinning on the head breakdancing in there! It is certainly pretty lively. According to my latest check-up I'm in fine fettle, which I just don't buy - if that's the case why do I feel like I've been in a car crash every morning or that someones been trying to smash my pelvis and pull my legs off in the night? Doesn't seem right to me :-)

Had a bit of a crappy week last week when I had an horrendous headache for 3 days that just wouldn't go and was running me ragged - ended up in the hossie being checked over for this and that. In the end I had a bit of an emotional episode in the middle of the maternity ward - well if you can't have one there - where can you! Anyway, that got their attention, and got me the painkillers I had been waiting 3 hours for. Turns out I had a sinus/ear infection so they gave me some antibiotics and allowed me to go home. All seems to have cleared up now, thankfully.

We then went back to the hosiptal last weekend to be shown around the delivery suite and I have to say it wasn't what I expected at all and we were very impressed. All the delivery rooms are really roomy, have adjustable lighting, TV and lots of fun stuff like birthing balls and bean bags to help through labour and nice big baths along with the dreaded bed but even that looked kind of squidgy and soft and had loads of controls for moving you up and down and about (could do with one of those now actually). The birthing pool room is just amazing - a huge, deep, shell shaped tub complete with relaxing spa music, soft lighting and dolphins painted on the walls. Then there's loads of fluffy towels and a big double-size floor-level bed to flop onto - the whole thing blew me away! I was expecting beds with big metal contraption sticking out the end and loads of screaming and shouting - none of it - it was really calm (makes you wonder where they put all the screaming women!!!)

So, the bag is packed, the cot and crib are ready, as is a whole heap of baby stuff I've been hoarding for months. Paul pumped the wheels up on the buggy/pram today (bless - he'll have it in the garage for a polish soon if I don't keep an eye on him)! So now we just wait and I moan alot - but at least I've got I'm a celebrity get me out of here to watch, and even I don't moan as much as Jan Leeming!! :-)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

As you can tell my promise to upload pictures and update this more often was an utter lie - no update for all of October!

Turns out this new place is a time warp and October just flew by without me noticing. Truth is we've been pretty busy getting the business ready for Christmas, which has kicked in already and of course getting ready for the new arrival. The baby side of getting ready has involved building and putting together all manner of items which neither of us have a clue how to work. For example, we haven't actually managed to figure out how the buggy/carrycot/car seat baby transport system folds down yet but are chuffed with having put the thing together and figured out where the brakes are! Next challenge is the baby seat base for the car which both of us are putting off and pretending it's not really lurking in the corner of the kitchen awaiting installation.

So, I'm going to write up some more news later today (that is my intention, I promise)! In the meantime, here is a rather fuzzy picture of me and the ever-growing bump as previously promised and requested by those too far away (like Australia) to see it in person! Unfortunately Harry the dog was very determined to be in the pic with me and has made my legs look even shorter than they really are - I haven't shrunk in the process! The reason picture is fuzzy is that Paul was testing out his new phone which he is only very slightly happy and impressed with!