Friday, July 13, 2007

Holy Batwings Bat-People - another huge lapse in Aengus blogging!

Sorry about that ....

So ... what's been going on? Woooo ...lots!

First off .. Paul and I had our birthdays - humph yes another year, but with his on the Friday, Mine on the Saturday and Fathers Day on the Sunday we had to DO SOMETHING!

Pauls Dad was staying with us so we actually managed to go out on the Saturday - woo hoo - we took the village by storm - even the young goths that hang out in the graveyard made a run for it! On the Sunday I had a bit of a surprise planned and Paul, my Dad and Pauls Dad were handed a helicopter and pilot at their disposal (for Pauls, he'll kill me for telling - 40th birthday and 1st Fathers Day, of course)!

What else? Well David - Pauls Dad spent 3 weeks in hospital with Diabetes problems before he came to us, which was pretty worrying. So we suggested that he moves nearer to us. He has been based in Norfolk but spends a lot of time abroad, so he may as well be near us when he's at home right? After checking out all the options and learning more than I ever needed to know about retirement flats/mobile homes/caravans we are happy to report that he has purchased an amazing brand new home a few miles from us! It's very cool and located on a lovely park called Willows - we are sure he will be very happy there and it's rather nearer to Gatwick for him for those essential escapes!

I have finally traded in the trusty Merc and we will be getting the new car next week - ha ha - going to keep you guessing on that one - I've been saving up!

Aengus completed his 'Little Dippers' swimming course today - he so loves it - he's the pool hooligan though! Splashes all the other babies (and me) but he's so blimmin' strong and determined that he can't wait to get under that water for some kicking and nosing around action! We are in a great group and hopefully we will stick together going into the next stage of the course. Aengus has two best friends there - Tommy and Sebastian.

Big Woo Hoos to some new babies out there too - baby Joe - chuffed parents Sam & Paul in London and down-under - Jo & Neil with baby Harrison. Welcome to the world kiddoes!

I have to have surgery on my gammy left foot - I've got two Mortons Neuromas - yeah Google it if you're interested! Specialist said he doesn't know how I walk with them. I said it's like walking with pebbles in your shoe - all the time, even when you're not wearing shoes!

Also, now Aengus is 7 months - have checked myself into a dtet and exercise program to fight the flab. Diet OK but am having to make some adjustments to go to the health club - which is lovely and totally excellent - should be able to fit a session in around 5am! YEAH RIGHT!

Oh well here's a load of silly old snaps from us .... xxxx


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