Sunday, March 11, 2007

Aengus is 3 months and 3 days old! That means that, yet again, I haven't updated the blog for a month (I see a trend forming here - alert the media!) - bad bad Mummy.

But hey, maybe not so bad mummy as I have been very busy - only today I completely butchered the front garden with a master plan of greatness which is only currently being held back by 1) muscle fatigue in places where I am sure you are not supposed to have muscles - fat fatigue maybe? 2) the stench of the neighbouring cats wee - I am not a cat person at the best of times and 3) the total disappearing act of the bloke in a village near Northampton who was going to sell me two old millstones from his 18th century converted windmill as a garden feature (Windmill House - get it?). Yes well, he probably cottoned on to what they were actually worth - more than I was going to pay him obviously!

Well this is The Sprog Blog - so more about Aengus ....

He's just topped 14lbs - that's the same as the heaviest bowling balls that only giants can get their fingers in down at your local AMP Bowling joint. Mind you - he was 2 pounds heavier than the smallest bowling balls (they're 6Lbs - he was 8Lbs) when he was born. I am sure I said I felt like I was carrying a bowling ball around when I was pregnant - midwives takes note - could be a training aid!

Now I know I am biased here ... but he really is a superstar of a baby! He sleeps - well - like a baby, he only really cries when he wants his food, whinges when his nappy needs a change and is otherwise very jolly and funny and sweet. He watches EVERYTHING and is very nosey - so we know we've got the hassle coming when he can get about - he's going to be into it all.

I've been thinking about this and I'm going to say something about - PARENTS! Many of you reading this will have heard me waffling on about my parents - the encouragement and guidance they gave us (Clare and I) and the freedom to make our own mistakes (and still do) etc. etc., about how my Dad said to me 'I don't mind what you and your sister choose to do workwise so long as you don't become a computer engineer or an artist'. Oh dear - murphys law!!! Anyway, what I want to say is .... I never, ever expected it all to kick in again for their grandson ... but there they are, loving him, doing anything for him, putting themselves out and just being wonderful. I hope we can do the same for Aengus. Hopefully in 20 years time he will feel the same. To all parents out there - don't think your kids won't notice - they will!

That's it - better go to bed - here's some pics!

The Star of the Blog -

With Daddy, re-fueling whilst watching the motorbike racing

Aengus with Mummy's Friend Nicky

Nighty night! xxxx

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