Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Oh dear, 1st May and more blogger neglect! As you can probably tell from my extended lapse in blogging - we've been very busy!

Aengus is now 21 weeks young and still a little superstar despite teething and throwing himself around!

He's been into his proper cot for a couple of months now and actually seems to like it in there, if you can find him amongst all the toys. He is particularly partial to cloth books with crinkling bits and usually ends up asleep with them on his head - bit like me really! He is very strong and loves anything he can pull into his mouth for a good gummy chew.

He also now rolls over and is very determined about the crawling business - he puts in a lot of effort everyday into getting on the move and can usually be found grunting at the floor like a soldier crawling under a camo net on his elbows. He also loves the door bouncer his cousin Dolly has lent him but we are limiting time in that because he just goes bouncing mad and is going to end up doing himself an injury.

Talking about injuries, his right arm seems almost bionic and Paul and I (and even Harry on one occasion) have both been bodily assulted by the long and strong arm of the baby whilst he tries to get it under control.

So why so busy? Well I have finally come around to the fact that I am not going to zip off and get a full time contract or job - bringing up Aengus is what I want to do. It was very hard turning down interviews - especially one which was for a super web managers job but I had made the decision and so it had to be. I have also found renewed enthusiasm for the business and the two seem to go together pretty well - even if it means we have less dosh and I am having to run to a routine (what me, routine? Yes me!). The fact that Paul is now working fulltime also takes the pressure off and it's all coming together.

On top of that, we have taken on the mad plan of 'doing' our garden ourselves - as someone once said - the only problem with doing it yourself is that sometimes it does it back! Well what a job it has turned out to be - a rather bigger project than either of us had anticipated! I'm not going to bore you with all the details here but I have been blogging the progress at the garden chaos blog which you can see by clicking on the link on the right of this page, if you are interested!

I have booked Aengus and myself on a swimming course starting in June which I am really looking forward to and we go every week to a mother and baby group and baby massage class. There are so many small children in our road and local area - all around Aengus's age or on the way so there's a bit of a Mummy gang and lots of friends for the kids.

So I had better get on with some work before I am required by his babyship for mid morning playing and feeding. Here's some latest Aengus pics in no particular order!

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