Arghhh ... I've been very bad at updating this over the past few weeks, fasten your belts and hold on to the bar infront ... here's why (in roughly the order they happened!) ...
Had the nuchal scan and blood tests - lots of spying on Weasel and much wriggling around - really grown with proper arms and legs (looked like rather long ones to us!) but also shy as kept putting hand over face when sonographer tried to measure nose bone. Amazing news - average risk factor of downs for my age is about 250:1, so anything higher than that was going to be a bonus - result came back as 2605:1 - thats twice as good as the average for an 18 year old - brilliant! No need for amnio or more diagnostic tests - yipee!
Then a week or so later I started to bleed on Saturday evening and Paul was out at a gig in Milton Keynes - nightmare. Just had to get him home asap having called emergency doctor for advice. Held fire all day Sunday but ended up in Ambulance and hospital on Monday as situation hadn't improved and I was getting pretty stressed out.
Had a check over and a scan at QE2 hossy in Welwyn - that place has gone up in my estimation I can tell you - they dealt with me really quickly and found the site of the bleeding and seemed to think it quite normal but worth checking so I was given my notes and sent on my way.
Dad came to collect me and I went to stay at Mum and Dads with Harry the dog for just over a week to have a bit of a rest and whilst Paul went off to Download Festival for the weekend. Was having a lovely time, caught up with school friends Nicky and Gael who I haven't seen in yonks and had a great time hearing all their baby stories and other news. I got to meet Gaels nearly-three year old Harriet who was not too keen on Harry but absolutely gorgeous all the same - she's going to be a very attractive & tall young lady! I also saw Nickys Emily and Alex - now 13 and 10 who I haven't seen in years - they have grown up so much and are lovely kids - a real credit to Nicky & her husband Clive.
Then like an idiot on Pauls Birthday, the day before my own, I fell down the stairs with a real klonk, bruised my lower back badly and then started bleeding again in the evening - oh magic - just what I needed. Felt OK the next day despite the bruises and went on a shopping spree with Nicky but eventually ran out of energy and had to collapse back at Mum & Dads.
On my birthday Paul turned up really early by surprise and we had a lovely day with a meal out in the evening but again by 9pm I was ready to konk out. Next day, Saturday, Clare came over with her family as we were all supposed to be going to see the Foo Fighters in Hyde Park but I had sold my ticket off as not the best thing for me to go to under the circumstances and Clare decided not to go (so we sold her ticket too) and the rest went off - Paul, Gordon and Stan. Felt complete grot all day battling with crazy hormones, feeling totally grumpy and not really knowing what to do with myself. Wanted to swim in the pool but too downright scared to do anything as still bleeding so tried to spend as much of the day asleep as possible.
Sunday was Fathers Day and my mood had lifted slightly although I was still feeling very confused and hormonal. We gave Dad a remote control Hovercraft that I think he was actually quite chuffed with and it cheered me up that he liked it.
Got back home Monday afternoon and decided to take the rest of the day sorting out business and house stuff before trundling back into hospital to check on the continuing bleeding. Tuesday morning called various hospitals/doctors/midwives all of which told me to go back to QE2 A & E - so I did and was seen in about 2 mins! In no time atall they had me wired up, checked, tested and booked for another scan. Scan showed Weasel is all OK but that there is a new dark area in there (away from Weasel and placenta - phew) which needs monitoring - me thinks it's a bruise (which can cause bleeding) as it's at the back and lines up with the deep purply green smudges on my back. So it's back for another scan next week to see how things are. It's a reflief but I guess we're not off the hook just yet.
In the meantime - the house is sold and everything is going ahead - the chain is tiny as the people buying our place are renting and the people we are buying from are not buying somewhere else so with any luck we will be moving on August 4th if I get all the paperwork back to the solicitor sometime soon! Yipeee - cannot wait, cannot believe that fabbo house is going to be ours ... now just need to be organised with all the associated guff - removals, change of address, money in the bank, solicitors, business leases, internet connections, postal redirects, new PO boxes, phone numbers, new doctors etc etc etc
So I'm feeling fine now and just have to BE CAREFUL, not overdo things and see how it looks on the scan next week.